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Why go vegan?

There are so many reasons to become vegan. What will yours be?

Personally, I became vegan for the animals, but upon becoming vegan, I immediately felt the health benefits. No matter who or what you become vegan for, your body, the planet, and the animals, of course, will thank you. I found that as I became a plant-based vegan, my palate changed to crave fruits and veggies, instead of junk food I craved before my transition. As a plant-based vegan, I can eat whole foods (fruits, veggies, grains) in abundance, whereas a meat-eater can never do that. Also, physiologically our bodies built like an herbivore. For hunting, we need weapons unlike carnivorous animals. We don't have fangs like lions or tigers, our teeth look like the teeth of a monkey because they are broad, short, blunt, and flat. Our jaws move from side to side to grind and chew. The jaws of carnivores can only move up and down.  Our intestines are long unlike carnivorous animals, who have short intestines to push through the decaying flesh of animals quickly through the process of digestion.  I discuss all of these topics in depth in my other tabs. I wish you the best luck on your health journey. I promise you will not regret it! For a truly awakening experience, watch the video below! It really is the best speech ever!

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